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- Simplify Access Management
Simplify Access Management
https://www.terabits.xyz/shop/simplify-access-management-91 https://www.terabits.xyz/web/image/product.template/91/image_1920?unique=da21808All In One Access Management App for setting the correct access rights for fields, models, menus, views for any module and for any user.
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Simplified Access Management
"All In One Access Management app for setting the correct access rights (Hide/Unhide/Read-only) on fields, models, menus, domains, buttons/tabs, views, actions, reports for any module and for any user from one place!"
Configuring correct access rights in Odoo is quite technical and lengthy process for someone who has little experience with the system and can get messy if you are not sure what you are doing. This module helps you to avoid all these complexities and saves your precious time by providing you a user friendly interface from where you can define all the access settings to specific users in one place such as -
Also the app allows you to create user-wise access management so that you can add/remove users to and from any group(s) in batch and with much ease without any coding in very less time. And this works with all the base and 3rd party apps.

Fields Access
You can manage access of fields for any user. By this, you can make any fields read-only or invisible with just one click.

Hide Menu/Sub-menu
You can manage access of menus for any user. By this, you can hide menus and submenus of any app.

Model Access
You can manage access of models/apps for any user. By this, you can changes access of actions, create, write, views, export, delete for the specified app.

Domain Access
You can set read, update, create, delete access for selected users of model. Here you can set domain to access models record for selected user.

Buttons/Tab Access
You can make the object, actions, smart buttons invisible from the model. And a number of tabs can also be hidden from the form view.

Readonly User
You can make any user readonly with just one click, After that specified user can't modify anything in the system.
After installing this module, You need to enable user group named 'Access management' for users, who you want to allow to run this app.
- First go to > Settings > Users > than check Access Management checkbox.

Now, open the app access studio.

Here is the basic explanation of rules configration.

Now, the app has a number of features available to manage its access.
- Menu access : Selected menu will become invisible for users who are selected in the ‘Users’ field.

- Model Access: Reports, actions, views can be invisible. Also, ristrict export records of model for users.

- Ristrict export and actions from the selected user.

- Field Access : Set invisible or read-only fields of model for any users with field access.

- Domain Access : Set read/update/delete access for selected users of model.

- Button/Tab Access : Invisible object/action/smart buttons from model. Also, number of tabs can be hidden of form view.

Module Setup
- The main advantage of these features is that when the admin user wants to do changes to access rights of other child users. but for that, they should need the technical knowledge to do these changes. So, here it has been simplified. Any normal user who doesn't have any technical knowledge is just needed to understand this module's feature and then just need to make one rule and its configuration. No coding/XML changes will be required.
Field's Access Right Setup
- You can customize specified model/app field access for any user.
- You can make the field read-only.
- You can make the field invisible.
- You just select the model and its field than check the access which you want to restrict.
Model/View Access Right Setup
- You can customize specified models access for any user.
- You can restrict models'/apps' all Actions, Report print, Archive action, etc.
- You can restrict models all Views.
- You can restrict Create, Edit, Delete for any app.
- You can restrict Export & Import in any app.
- You can make any view invisible.
- You just select a model and then check its features/view to restrict.
Menu/Submenu Access Right Setup
- You can customize menu access for any user.
- You can hide any Menu for any app/model.
- You can hide any Sub-Menu for any app/model.
- You just have to select menu for any app, then it will hide that menu/submenu for perticular user.
Domain Access Right Setup
- Set read, write, update, delete access for selected users of model.
- Set domain filter to show only filtered records to the user.
- Set read, write, delete access using Environment User(EU means logged in user.) or other users.
- You can create model wise multiple lines access rights. it will affect all selected users.
- Set Model access using filters and use of Environment User(logged in user).
Buttons/Tabs access right setup
- You can make invisible object buttons, actions, smart buttons, from model. Also, number of tabs can be hidden of form view.
- You can hide any object button of any model by just on setting.
- You can hide any smart button of any model by just on setting.
- You can hide any actions of any model by just on setting.
- You can hide number of tabs in form view from selected user.
Readonly User Setup
- You can make users readonly.
- Readonly users can not modify anything in the system.
- Readonly users cant create any data, modify any settings, install/uninstall any app or delete any records in the system.
- With just one checkbox any user will set to readonly.
This module allows you to setup userwise access management easily and quickly. Such as Model access (Report, Actions, Views, Readonly, Create, Write, Delete, Export etc.), Fields access (Invisible, Readonly),Menu access(Hide any menu for selected users),
Domain access(read, write, update, delete access for selected users of model), Buttons/tab access(Invisible object/action/smart buttons from model. Also, number of tabs can be hidden
of form view), make selected users readonly easily and in one place.
So if you don't want to call developer now and then to setup access rights or you don't
want any hassel to setup the access rights by
odoo's technical and lengthy way,
then this is the only perfect app for you which supports almost all the objects you could use in the odoo.
Some main advantages:-
All in one access management App,
Easier then Record rules setup,
Centralize access rules,
User wise access rules,
Show only what is needed for users,
Access rules setup,
Easy access rights setup, Hide Any Menu,
Hide Any Field, Any Report, Any Button,
Easy To Configure,
Some main features:-
Hide fields,
Hide Buttons,
Hide Tabs,
Hide views,
Hide Contacts,
Hide Menus,
Hide submenus,
Hide sub-menus,
Hide reports,
Hide actions,
Hide server actions,
Hide import,
Hide delete,
Hide archive,
Hide Tree view,
Hide Form view,
Hide Kanban view,
Hide Calendar view,
Hide Pivot,
Hide Graph view,
Hide Apps,
Hide object buttons,
Hide action buttons,
Hide smart buttons,
Readonly Any Field,
read only user,
readonly user,
Hide create,
Hide duplicate,
Control every fields,
Control every views,
Control every buttons,
Control every actions.
Yes, absolutly.
Please drop an email at info@terabits.xyz
In case of if any bug or issue raised in the listed features of this app, I am committed to providing support free of cost for 90 days. You will need to provide me complete details, server ssh access or database access in order to solve the issue. You have to raise a support ticket from your order in odoo store.
v12. - January 4, 2023
- Minor bug fix
v12. - March 28, 2022
- Added support to hide tabs and buttons (object/actions/smart)
- Added support to block the import, export
- Added feature of access based on domain
- Added smart details on access management form and list view
- Minor bug fix
- note: This version have major changes in codebase, so you need to uninstall the previous version (if purchased earlier) and install the new version.
v12. - October 23, 2021
Initial release for v12
Need a help for this module?
Contact me info@terabits.xyz for your queries

Last Updated : 7 Mar 2025 (v17.

All In One Access Management app for setting the correct access rights (Hide/Unhide/Read-only)
on fields, models, menus, records, filters, groups, buttons/tabs, views, actions, reports, chatter for
any module, any user, any company. This app lets you control what users can see and do, all from
one place, with just a few clicks. No need for technical skills or complex setups.

Save 80%
customization time
Multi user &
company support
No technical
knowledge required
lingual support

Hide menu/Sub-menu
Model access rights
Fields access rights
Domain access rights
Button / tab access
Hide filters and groups
Chatter access rights
Hide global access rights
Read-Only User
Disable developer mode
Hide Import / Export
Disable login
Company Wise Restrictions
Hide Duplicate / Archive
Restrict reports & actions
Hide Views
Make any field required
Hide Chatter activities/notes
Restrict external links
Restrict Kanban fields

Restrict exporting fields

Reviews from our customers
Benefits of odoo access management

Restrict user-specific access privileges for any models, including Create, Edit, Delete, Actions, Archive/
Unarchive Duplicate, and Export, for the given user.

You can disable developer mode for any user.

This module also inhibits the ability to install, uninstall, or update any module.

You can restrict any user's access permissions to model-specific parts (Send Message, Log Notes, Activities).

You can turn off the import-export feature for any user.

Restrict user access permissions to prevent specified users from seeing any module's navigation menus and submenus.

It will also be restricted from using Script/XMLRPC.

It enables you to individually hide the chatter.
Need Any Help ?
Request demo
COPY LINK : https://www.terabits.xyz/r/kyH
COPY LINK : https://www.terabits.xyz/r/SNS
Support | Contact
COPY LINK : info@terabits.xyz

!! Beware of duplicate modules and fake sellers.

Model Access Rights
Manage the userwise access rights like
of any models for the specified user.
Field Access Rights
Manage the userwise access rights of any model's field. You can make any field
for the specified user.

When, you set field as invisible in the Field Access tab. That will be hidden from the form view, list view, filter, kanban, group by, pivot view and export.

Domain (Conditional) Access Rights
Manage models access rights by applying Restriction conditionally.You can restrict
access rights for the records conditionally based on the value of any field.

After giving only READONLY access in any model, The user will not be able to CREATE, EDIT, DELETE records in that model.

You can apply a customized filter to show only the particular records to the particular user based on their id or certain field values.

You can apply a customized date filter like 'Today', 'this week', 'last month', etc… to show only the particular records to the particular user based on the selected time period.
Button/Tab Access Rights
Manage the access rights to
Hide any Buttons/ Actions/ Links/ Tabs
from views of any
model from specified users.
Hide Menu/Submenu Access Right
Manage the userwise access rights to Hide any module's navigation menus and
submenus from the specified users.
Hide Filters And Groups
You can make any user readonly in the system. You can hide chatter for any user.
You can disable developer mode for any user.
Make Readonly User | Hide Chatter | Disable Developer Mode
You can make any user readonly in the system. You can hide chatter for any user.
You can disable developer mode for any user.
Model-Wise Chatter Access Rights
You can manage modelwise chatter's parts(Send Message,Log Notes,Activities)
access right for any users.

You can hide chatter of chatter from any model.

You can hide send message button of chatter from any model.
You can hide log notes of chatter from any models.

You can hide activity of chatter from any model.
Global Access Rights For Chatter

You can "Hide Add Property" button from every model by enabling relative checkboxes.

You can "Hide Chatter" button from every model by enabling relative checkboxes.

You can "Hide Send Message" button from every model by enabling relative checkboxes.

You can "Hide Log Notes" button from every model by enabling relative checkboxes.

You can "Hide Schedule Activity" button from every model by enabling relative checkboxes.

The "Import" buttons on each model will become invisible when you enable the associated checkboxes.

The "Export" buttons on each model will become invisible when you enable the associated checkboxes.

You can restrict specific users from accessing the database by the "Disable login" button.

You can "Hide Spreadsheet" button from every model by enabling relative checkboxes.

After installing this module, You need to enable user group named 'Access management' for users,
who you want to allow to run this app.

First go to > Settings > Users > than check Access Management checkbox.

Now you have the access of access studio (access management app). You can see the app access
studio in your odoo apps window.

Users :
Select the users to which you want to apply the access rules.
Read-Only :
This checkbox is for setting ready-only access to any users. To make users ready-only in the environment you have to change access from settings. But here only one click will make any user read-only in the environment.
Hide Chatter :
This checkbox is for hiding chatter for any users. after checking this field, selected users will not be able to
watch the chatter window in every model's views.
Disable Developer Mode :
This checkbox is for disable developer mode for specified users.
Companies :
This rule is also applicable in multi companies, So here you
can set companies in which you have to apply this rule.
Created by, Created On, Last Updated by, Last Updated on :
This fields show the detail of create date of this rule, Created on which date?, Last updated
by and Last updated datetime.
Tabs (Menu Access, Model Access, Field Access, Domain Access, Button/Tab Access) :
All tabs are have their own features for access rights, You can define realted access rights in every tab/page.
Create Access Domain Form :
In this form we have placed the fields for domain access rules like restrict CREATE, UPDATE, DELETE,
and make READ ONLY access for specified model. And apply filter is for customize our own domain.
Detailed explanation available in next USERGUIDE page.
Request Demo Now!
Module Setup
- The main advantage of these features is that when the admin user wants to do changes to access rights of other child users. but for that, they should need the technical knowledge to do these changes. So, here it has been simplified. Any normal user who doesn't have any technical knowledge is just needed to understand this module's feature and then just need to make one rule and its configuration. No coding/XML changes will be required.
Menu/Submenu Access Right Setup
- You can customize menu access for any user.
- You can hide any Menu for any app/model.
- You can hide any Sub-Menu for any app/model.
- You just have to select menu for any app, then it will hide that menu/submenu for particular user.
Model/View Access Right Setup
- You can customize specified models access for any user.
- You can restrict models'/apps' all Actions, Report print, Archive action, etc.
- You can hide any views(TREE, FORM, KANBAN etc) of any model.
- You can hide CREATE, EDIT, DELETE buttons from any models view.
- You can hide ARCHIVE/UNARCHIVE buttons from any models.
- You can restrict Export & Import record from in any model.
- You just select a model and then check its features/view to restrict.
Field's Access Right Setup
- You can customize specified model/app's field access for any user.
- You can make the field read-only.
- You can make the field invisible.
- You can hide External links of any relational field where user can create or search records of related models.
- You just select the model and its field than check the access which you want to restrict.
Domain Access Right Setup
- Set read, write, update, delete access for selected users of model.
- Set domain filter to show only filtered records to the user.
- Set read, write, delete access using Environment User(EU means logged in user.) or other users.
- You can create model wise multiple lines access rights. it will affect all selected users.
- Set Model access using filters and use of Environment User(logged-in user).
Buttons/Tabs access right setup
- You can make invisible object buttons, actions, smart buttons, from model. Also, number of tabs can be hidden of form view.
- You can hide any smart button of any model by just on setting.
- You can hide any Links in kanban view of any models.
- You can hide number of tabs in form view from selected user.
Readonly User Setup
- You can make users readonly.
- Readonly users can not modify anything in the system.
- Readonly users cant create any data, modify any settings, install/uninstall any app or delete any records in the system.
- With just one checkbox any user will set to readonly.
You are right. Odoo provides it's own access management feature. But it's complex and not straight forward. It requires lots of configuration (at different places) to hide any field or button for any user. Our app simplifies access rights management for various elements without requiring technical expertise that too from one place.
Yes, you can restrict or hide almost 99% of elements of odoo conditionally with our app. You can provide domain to add better conditions for some users. I.e. if you want to hide some records for some users like one salesperson should be able to see his own leads or his own sales orders only. Or an Accountant user should be able to see transactions of this month only.
Yes, just click on "Live Preview" button from the top of this page, it will redirect you to a form, submit the details, and you will be redirected to a demo instantly. If you are not able to find it here is the url: https://www.terabits.xyz/request_demo?source=index&version=17&app=simplify_access_management
Sure, we have created a complete guide for all the features and tutorials for you. Check it out here: https://www.terabits.xyz/simplify_access_management Additionally if you still require any help or suggestions with any feature or functionality you can always drop an email at us: info@terabits.xyz
Sure, drop us an email at info@terabits.xyz
Indeed, our app ensures data security and regulatory compliance. We do not collect any data from your system.
If you think you require additional features that are not present in the app, you can customize the module your own. We can also help you with that if you need. Drop an email us at info@terabits.xyz with your requirements.
Yes, after purchasing the app, you are eligible for lifetime updates. You just need to check this app page for change-log, and the updated module can be downloaded from the same link you downloaded the app first time. If you want us to send the change-log and update notifications to you, ask us at info@terabits.xyz
In case of if any bug/issue raised in the listed features of this app, we are committed to providing 90 days of support free of cost. You will need to provide us the issue details and screenshots on the mail (info@terabits.xyz) and we will get it fixed.
Just drop us an email at info@terabits.xyz with your questions and doubts, we will reach out to you as soon as possible.
v17. MAR 7, 2025
- Button invisible improvement.
v17. JAN 9, 2024
- Minor bug fixed.
v17. DEC 18, 2024
- Major security update.
v17. DEC 4, 2024
- Optimised pivot/report loading.
v17. DEC 2, 2024
- Multi-company related changes.
v17. NOV 23, 2024
- Export related chagnes.
v17. NOV 15, 2024
- Improve over all flow.
v17. NOV 12, 2024
- Solved issue domain is syntactically not correct.
v17. OCT 26, 2024
- Remove some unwanted stuff.
v17. SEP 28, 2024
- Minor bug fixed.
v17. SEP 18, 2024
- Fixed search component issue.
v17. AUG 8, 2024
- Security related update
v17. JULY 25, 2024
- External link related fixes.
v17. JUNE 19, 2024
- Improvise domain functionality for multi-company
v17. JUNE 10, 2024
- Fixed a minor bug that was affecting tab and button access selection.
v17. JUNE 4, 2024
- Some minor bug fixes
v17. MAY 23, 2024
- Solved "My profile" menu tab access bug
v17. APRIL 10, 2024
- Some minor warning fixes.
v17. MARCH 27, 2024
- Some minor bug fixes and added help.
v17. FEBRUARY 12, 2024
- Added features like hiding 'custom filter fields', 'pivot selection fields', 'custom groupby fields' and 'export field'.
v17. NOVEMBER 1, 2023
- Initial release for v17

Request Demo Now!
Related Apps

All-in-one Access Management
We offer these four modules as part of our All-in-one Access Management package, along with free installation and setting up the access rights to fit your requirements as done-for-you service.

AnalytiX Dashboard
"Unlock the true potential of your data with AnalytiX Dashboard, a cutting-edge Odoo dashboard module designed to revolutionize the way you visualize & analyze information."
Need a help for this module?
Contact me info@terabits.xyz for your queries

Last Updated : 11 JAN 2025 (v18.

All In One Access Management app for setting the correct access rights (Hide/Unhide/Read-only)
on fields, models, menus, records, filters, groups, buttons/tabs, views, actions, reports, chatter for
any module, any user, any company. This app lets you control what users can see and do, all from
one place, with just a few clicks. No need for technical skills or complex setups.

Save 80%
customization time
Multi user &
company support
No technical
knowledge required
lingual support

Hide menu/Sub-menu
Model access rights
Fields access rights
Domain access rights
Button / tab access
Hide filters and groups
Chatter access rights
Hide global access rights
Read-Only User
Disable developer mode
Hide Import / Export
Disable login
Company Wise Restrictions
Hide Duplicate / Archive
Restrict reports & actions
Hide Views
Make any field required
Hide Chatter activities/notes
Restrict external links
Restrict Kanban fields

Restrict exporting fields

Reviews from our customers
Benefits of odoo access management

Restrict user-specific access privileges for any models, including Create, Edit, Delete, Actions, Archive/
Unarchive Duplicate, and Export, for the given user.

You can disable developer mode for any user.

This module also inhibits the ability to install, uninstall, or update any module.

You can restrict any user's access permissions to model-specific parts (Send Message, Log Notes, Activities).

You can turn off the import-export feature for any user.

Restrict user access permissions to prevent specified users from seeing any module's navigation menus and submenus.

It will also be restricted from using Script/XMLRPC.

It enables you to individually hide the chatter.
Need Any Help ?
Request demo
COPY LINK : https://www.terabits.xyz/r/kyH
COPY LINK : https://www.terabits.xyz/r/SNS
Support | Contact
COPY LINK : info@terabits.xyz

!! Beware of duplicate modules and fake sellers.

Model Access Rights
Manage the userwise access rights like
of any models for the specified user.
Field Access Rights
Manage the userwise access rights of any model's field. You can make any field
for the specified user.

When, you set field as invisible in the Field Access tab. That will be hidden from the form view, list view, filter, kanban, group by, pivot view and export.

Domain (Conditional) Access Rights
Manage models access rights by applying Restriction conditionally.You can restrict
access rights for the records conditionally based on the value of any field.

After giving only READONLY access in any model, The user will not be able to CREATE, EDIT, DELETE records in that model.

You can apply a customized filter to show only the particular records to the particular user based on their id or certain field values.

You can apply a customized date filter like 'Today', 'this week', 'last month', etc.. to show only the particular records to the particular user based on the selected time period.
Button/Tab Access Rights
Manage the access rights to
Hide any Buttons/ Actions/ Links/ Tabs
from views of any
model from specified users.
Hide Menu/Submenu Access Right
Manage the userwise access rights to Hide the any module's navigation menus and
submenus from the specified users.
Hide Filters And Groups
You can make any user readonly in the system. You can hide chatter for any user.
You can disable developer mode for any user.
Make Readonly User | Hide Chatter | Disable Developer Mode
You can make any user readonly in the system. You can hide chatter for any user.
You can disable developer mode for any user.
Model-Wise Chatter Access Rights
You can manage modelwise chatter's parts(Send Message,Log Notes,Activities)
access right for any users.

You can hide chatter of chatter from any model.

You can hide send message button of chatter from any model.

You can hide log notes of chatter from any models.

You can hide activity of chatter from any model.
Global Access Rights For Chatter

- You can hide all these chatter items from every model by enabling relative checkboxes.
- The "Import" and "Export" buttons on each model will become invisible when you enable the associated checkboxes.
- You can restrict specific users from accessing the database by the "Disable login" button.
Hide Chatter
Hide Send Message
Hide Log Notes
Hide Activity
Hide Import
Hide Export
Disable Login

After installing this module, You need to enable user group named 'Access management' for users,
who you want to allow to run this app.

First go to > Settings > Users > than check Access Management checkbox.

Now you have the access of access studio (access management app). You can see the app access
studio in your odoo apps window.

Users :
Select the users to which you want to apply the access rules.
Read-Only :
This checkbox is for setting ready-only access to any users. To make users ready-only in the environment you have to change access from settings. But here only one click will make any user read-only in the environment.
Hide Chatter :
This checkbox is for hiding chatter for any users. after checking this field, selected users will not be able to
watch the chatter window in every model's views.
Disable Developer Mode :
This checkbox is for disable developer mode for specified users.
Companies :
This rule is also applicable in multi companies, So here you
can set companies in which you have to apply this rule.
Created by, Created On, Last Updated by, Last Updated on :
This fields show the detail of create date of this rule, Created on which date?, Last updated
by and Last updated datetime.
Tabs (Menu Access, Model Access, Field Access, Domain Access, Button/Tab Access) :
All tabs are have their own features for access rights, You can define realted access rights in every tab/page.
Create Access Domain Form :
In this form we have placed the fields for domain access rules like restrict CREATE, UPDATE, DELETE,
and make READ ONLY access for specified model. And apply filter is for customize our own domain.
Detailed explanation available in next USERGUIDE page.
Request Demo Now!
Module Setup
- The main advantage of these features is that when the admin user wants to do changes to access rights of other child users. but for that, they should need the technical knowledge to do these changes. So, here it has been simplified. Any normal user who doesn't have any technical knowledge is just needed to understand this module's feature and then just need to make one rule and its configuration. No coding/XML changes will be required.
Menu/Submenu Access Right Setup
- You can customize menu access for any user.
- You can hide any Menu for any app/model.
- You can hide any Sub-Menu for any app/model.
- You just have to select menu for any app, then it will hide that menu/submenu for perticular user.
Model/View Access Right Setup
- You can customize specified models access for any user.
- You can restrict models'/apps' all Actions, Report print, Archive action, etc.
- You can hide any views(TREE, FORM, KANBAN etc) of any model.
- You can hide CREATE, EDIT, DELETE buttons from any models view.
- You can hide ARCHIVE/UNARCHIVE buttons from the any models.
- You can restrict Export & Import record from in any model.
- You just select a model and then check its features/view to restrict.
Field's Access Right Setup
- You can customize specified model/app's field access for any user.
- You can make the field read-only.
- You can make the field invisible.
- You can hide External links of any relational field where user can create or search records of related models.
- You just select the model and its field than check the access which you want to restrict.
Domain Access Right Setup
- Set read, write, update, delete access for selected users of model.
- Set domain filter to show only filtered records to the user.
- Set read, write, delete access using Environment User(EU means logged in user.) or other users.
- You can create model wise multiple lines access rights. it will affect all selected users.
- Set Model access using filters and use of Environment User(logged in user).
Buttons/Tabs access right setup
- You can make invisible object buttons, actions, smart buttons, from model. Also, number of tabs can be hidden of form view.
- You can hide any smart button of any model by just on setting.
- You can hide any Links in kanaban view of any models.
- You can hide number of tabs in form view from selected user.
Readonly User Setup
- You can make users readonly.
- Readonly users can not modify anything in the system.
- Readonly users cant create any data, modify any settings, install/uninstall any app or delete any records in the system.
- With just one checkbox any user will set to readonly.
You are right. Odoo provides it's own access management feature. But it's complex and not straight forward. It requires lots of configuration (at different places) to hide any field or button for any user. Our app simplifies access rights management for various elements without requiring technical expertise that too from one place.
Yes, you can restrict or hide almost 99% of elements of odoo conditionally with our app. You can provide domain to add better conditions for some users. I.e. if you want to hide some records for some users like one salesperson should be able to see his own leads or his own sales orders only. Or a Accountant user should be able to see transactions of this month only.
Yes, just click on "Live Preview" button from the top of this page, it will redirect you to a form, submit the details and you will be redirected to a demo instantly. If you are not able to find it here is the url: https://www.terabits.xyz/request_demo?source=index&version=17&app=simplify_access_management
Sure, we have created a complete guide for all the features and tutorials for you. Check it out here: https://www.terabits.xyz/simplify_access_management Additionally if you still require any help or suggestions with any feature or functionality you can always drop an email at us: info@terabits.xyz
Sure, drop us an email at info@terabits.xyz
Indeed, our app ensures data security and regulatory compliance. We do not collect any data from your system.
If you think you require additional features that are not present in the app, you can customize the module your own. We can also help you with that if you need. Drop an email us at info@terabits.xyz with your requirements.
Yes, after purchasing the app, you are eligible for lifetime updates. You just need to check this app page for change-log, and the updated module can be download from the same link you downloaded the app first time. If you want us to send the change-log and update notifications to you, ask us at info@terabits.xyz
In case of if any bug/issue raised in the listed features of this app, we are committed to providing 90 days of support free of cost. You will need to provide us the issue details and screenshots on the mail (info@terabits.xyz) and we will get it fixed.
Just drop us an email at info@terabits.xyz with your questions and doubts, we will reach out to you as soon as possible.
v16. - DEC 18, 2024
Major security update.
v16. - DEC 17, 2024
We have updated access permission for multi companies, field access, global access.
v16. - AUG 29, 2024
Minor bug fixes
v16. - AUG 8, 2024
Security related update
v16. - JUN 20, 2024
Improvise domain functionality in the multi-company
v16. - MAR 27, 2024
Some minor bug fixes and added help.
v14. - FEB 12, 2024
Added features like hiding 'custom filter fields', 'pivot selection fields', 'custom groupby fields' and 'export field'.
v14. - OCT 16, 2023
If you are using Simplify Access Management app currently and if you want to upgrade the latest version; you have to follow below instruction to use the new version.
- Delete the old Simplify Access Management from custom_addons (Path) and add the new one.
- Restart the odoo app service, When you do(restart); you have to click on upgrade instantly (Do not wait for long time; if your page will unresponsive, you will face errors) so you have to keep open the apps page in your instance.
- Contact us at info@terabits.xyz when you need any assistance OR if need any support.
v14. - JAN 4, 2023
Minor bug fix
v14. - NOV 23, 2022
Initial release for v14

Request Demo Now!
Related Apps

All-in-one Access Management
We offer these four modules as part of our All-in-one Access Management package, along with free installation and setting up the access rights to fit your requirements as done-for-you service.

AnalytiX Dashboard
"Unlock the true potential of your data with AnalytiX Dashboard, a cutting-edge Odoo dashboard module designed to revolutionizethe way you visualize & analyze information."
Need a help for this module?
Contact me info@terabits.xyz for your queries

Last Updated : 11 JAN 2025 (v18.

All In One Access Management app for setting the correct access rights (Hide/Unhide/Read-only)
on fields, models, menus, records, filters, groups, buttons/tabs, views, actions, reports, chatter for
any module, any user, any company. This app lets you control what users can see and do, all from
one place, with just a few clicks. No need for technical skills or complex setups.

Save 80%
customization time
Multi user &
company support
No technical
knowledge required
lingual support

Hide menu/Sub-menu
Model access rights
Fields access rights
Domain access rights
Button / tab access
Hide filters and groups
Chatter access rights
Hide global access rights
Read-Only User
Disable developer mode
Hide Import / Export
Disable login
Company Wise Restrictions
Hide Duplicate / Archive
Restrict reports & actions
Hide Views
Make any field required
Hide Chatter activities/notes
Restrict external links
Restrict Kanban fields

Restrict exporting fields

Reviews from our customers
Benefits of odoo access management

Restrict user-specific access privileges for any models, including Create, Edit, Delete, Actions, Archive/
Unarchive Duplicate, and Export, for the given user.

You can disable developer mode for any user.

This module also inhibits the ability to install, uninstall, or update any module.

You can restrict any user's access permissions to model-specific parts (Send Message, Log Notes, Activities).

You can turn off the import-export feature for any user.

Restrict user access permissions to prevent specified users from seeing any module's navigation menus and submenus.

It will also be restricted from using Script/XMLRPC.

It enables you to individually hide the chatter.
Need Any Help ?
Request demo
COPY LINK : https://www.terabits.xyz/r/kyH
COPY LINK : https://www.terabits.xyz/r/SNS
Support | Contact
COPY LINK : info@terabits.xyz

!! Beware of duplicate modules and fake sellers.

Model Access Rights
Manage the userwise access rights like
of any models for the specified user.
Field Access Rights
Manage the userwise access rights of any model's field. You can make any field
for the specified user.

When, you set field as invisible in the Field Access tab. That will be hidden from the form view, list view, filter, kanban, group by, pivot view and export.

Domain (Conditional) Access Rights
Manage models access rights by applying Restriction conditionally.You can restrict
access rights for the records conditionally based on the value of any field.

After giving only READONLY access in any model, The user will not be able to CREATE, EDIT, DELETE records in that model.

You can apply a customized filter to show only the particular records to the particular user based on their id or certain field values.

You can apply a customized date filter like 'Today', 'this week', 'last month', etc.. to show only the particular records to the particular user based on the selected time period.
Button/Tab Access Rights
Manage the access rights to
Hide any Buttons/ Actions/ Links/ Tabs
from views of any
model from specified users.
Hide Menu/Submenu Access Right
Manage the userwise access rights to Hide the any module's navigation menus and
submenus from the specified users.
Hide Filters And Groups
You can make any user readonly in the system. You can hide chatter for any user.
You can disable developer mode for any user.
Make Readonly User | Hide Chatter | Disable Developer Mode
You can make any user readonly in the system. You can hide chatter for any user.
You can disable developer mode for any user.
Model-Wise Chatter Access Rights
You can manage modelwise chatter's parts(Send Message,Log Notes,Activities)
access right for any users.

You can hide chatter of chatter from any model.

You can hide send message button of chatter from any model.

You can hide log notes of chatter from any models.

You can hide activity of chatter from any model.
Global Access Rights For Chatter

- You can hide all these chatter items from every model by enabling relative checkboxes.
- The "Import" and "Export" buttons on each model will become invisible when you enable the associated checkboxes.
- You can restrict specific users from accessing the database by the "Disable login" button.
Hide Chatter
Hide Send Message
Hide Log Notes
Hide Activity
Hide Import
Hide Export
Disable Login

After installing this module, You need to enable user group named 'Access management' for users,
who you want to allow to run this app.

First go to > Settings > Users > than check Access Management checkbox.

Now you have the access of access studio (access management app). You can see the app access
studio in your odoo apps window.

Users :
Select the users to which you want to apply the access rules.
Read-Only :
This checkbox is for setting ready-only access to any users. To make users ready-only in the environment you have to change access from settings. But here only one click will make any user read-only in the environment.
Hide Chatter :
This checkbox is for hiding chatter for any users. after checking this field, selected users will not be able to
watch the chatter window in every model's views.
Disable Developer Mode :
This checkbox is for disable developer mode for specified users.
Companies :
This rule is also applicable in multi companies, So here you
can set companies in which you have to apply this rule.
Created by, Created On, Last Updated by, Last Updated on :
This fields show the detail of create date of this rule, Created on which date?, Last updated
by and Last updated datetime.
Tabs (Menu Access, Model Access, Field Access, Domain Access, Button/Tab Access) :
All tabs are have their own features for access rights, You can define realted access rights in every tab/page.
Create Access Domain Form :
In this form we have placed the fields for domain access rules like restrict CREATE, UPDATE, DELETE,
and make READ ONLY access for specified model. And apply filter is for customize our own domain.
Detailed explanation available in next USERGUIDE page.
Request Demo Now!
Module Setup
- The main advantage of these features is that when the admin user wants to do changes to access rights of other child users. but for that, they should need the technical knowledge to do these changes. So, here it has been simplified. Any normal user who doesn't have any technical knowledge is just needed to understand this module's feature and then just need to make one rule and its configuration. No coding/XML changes will be required.
Menu/Submenu Access Right Setup
- You can customize menu access for any user.
- You can hide any Menu for any app/model.
- You can hide any Sub-Menu for any app/model.
- You just have to select menu for any app, then it will hide that menu/submenu for perticular user.
Model/View Access Right Setup
- You can customize specified models access for any user.
- You can restrict models'/apps' all Actions, Report print, Archive action, etc.
- You can hide any views(TREE, FORM, KANBAN etc) of any model.
- You can hide CREATE, EDIT, DELETE buttons from any models view.
- You can hide ARCHIVE/UNARCHIVE buttons from the any models.
- You can restrict Export & Import record from in any model.
- You just select a model and then check its features/view to restrict.
Field's Access Right Setup
- You can customize specified model/app's field access for any user.
- You can make the field read-only.
- You can make the field invisible.
- You can hide External links of any relational field where user can create or search records of related models.
- You just select the model and its field than check the access which you want to restrict.
Domain Access Right Setup
- Set read, write, update, delete access for selected users of model.
- Set domain filter to show only filtered records to the user.
- Set read, write, delete access using Environment User(EU means logged in user.) or other users.
- You can create model wise multiple lines access rights. it will affect all selected users.
- Set Model access using filters and use of Environment User(logged in user).
Buttons/Tabs access right setup
- You can make invisible object buttons, actions, smart buttons, from model. Also, number of tabs can be hidden of form view.
- You can hide any smart button of any model by just on setting.
- You can hide any Links in kanaban view of any models.
- You can hide number of tabs in form view from selected user.
Readonly User Setup
- You can make users readonly.
- Readonly users can not modify anything in the system.
- Readonly users cant create any data, modify any settings, install/uninstall any app or delete any records in the system.
- With just one checkbox any user will set to readonly.
You are right. Odoo provides it's own access management feature. But it's complex and not straight forward. It requires lots of configuration (at different places) to hide any field or button for any user. Our app simplifies access rights management for various elements without requiring technical expertise that too from one place.
Yes, you can restrict or hide almost 99% of elements of odoo conditionally with our app. You can provide domain to add better conditions for some users. I.e. if you want to hide some records for some users like one salesperson should be able to see his own leads or his own sales orders only. Or a Accountant user should be able to see transactions of this month only.
Yes, just click on "Live Preview" button from the top of this page, it will redirect you to a form, submit the details and you will be redirected to a demo instantly. If you are not able to find it here is the url: https://www.terabits.xyz/request_demo?source=index&version=17&app=simplify_access_management
Sure, we have created a complete guide for all the features and tutorials for you. Check it out here: https://www.terabits.xyz/simplify_access_management Additionally if you still require any help or suggestions with any feature or functionality you can always drop an email at us: info@terabits.xyz
Sure, drop us an email at info@terabits.xyz
Indeed, our app ensures data security and regulatory compliance. We do not collect any data from your system.
If you think you require additional features that are not present in the app, you can customize the module your own. We can also help you with that if you need. Drop an email us at info@terabits.xyz with your requirements.
Yes, after purchasing the app, you are eligible for lifetime updates. You just need to check this app page for change-log, and the updated module can be download from the same link you downloaded the app first time. If you want us to send the change-log and update notifications to you, ask us at info@terabits.xyz
In case of if any bug/issue raised in the listed features of this app, we are committed to providing 90 days of support free of cost. You will need to provide us the issue details and screenshots on the mail (info@terabits.xyz) and we will get it fixed.
Just drop us an email at info@terabits.xyz with your questions and doubts, we will reach out to you as soon as possible.
v13. - DEC 18, 2024
Major security update.
v13. - AUG 29, 2024
Minor bug fixes
v13. - AUG 8, 2024
Security related update
v13. - March 27, 2024
Some minor bug fixes and added help.
v13. - February 12, 2024
Added features like hiding 'custom filter fields', 'pivot selection fields', 'custom groupby fields' and 'export field'.
v13. - October 16, 2023
If you are using Simplify Access Management app currently and if you want to upgrade the latest version; you have to follow below instruction to use the new version.
- Delete the old Simplify Access Management from custom_addons (Path) and add the new one.
- Restart the odoo app service, When you do(restart); you have to click on upgrade instantly (Do not wait for long time; if your page will unresponsive, you will face errors) so you have to keep open the apps page in your instance.
- Contact us at info@terabits.xyz when you need any assistance OR if need any support.
v13. - January 4, 2023
Minor bug fix
v13. - November 23, 2022
Initial release for v13

Request Demo Now!
Related Apps

All-in-one Access Management
We offer these four modules as part of our All-in-one Access Management package, along with free installation and setting up the access rights to fit your requirements as done-for-you service.

AnalytiX Dashboard
"Unlock the true potential of your data with AnalytiX Dashboard, a cutting-edge Odoo dashboard module designed to revolutionizethe way you visualize & analyze information."
Need a help for this module?
Contact me info@terabits.xyz for your queries

Last Updated : 11 MAR 2025 (

All In One Access Management app for setting the correct access rights (Hide/Unhide/Read-only)
on fields, models, menus, records, filters, groups, buttons/tabs, views, actions, reports, chatter for
any module, any user, any company. This app lets you control what users can see and do, all from
one place, with just a few clicks. No need for technical skills or complex setups.

Save 80%
customization time
Multi user &
company support
No technical
knowledge required
lingual support

Hide menu/Sub-menu
Model access rights
Fields access rights
Domain access rights
Button / tab access
Hide filters and groups
Chatter access rights
Hide global access rights
Read-Only User
Disable developer mode
Hide Import / Export
Disable login
Company Wise Restrictions
Hide Duplicate / Archive
Restrict reports & actions
Hide Views
Make any field required
Hide Chatter activities/notes
Restrict external links
Restrict Kanban fields

Restrict exporting fields

Reviews from our customers
Benefits of odoo access management

Restrict user-specific access privileges for any models, including Create, Edit, Delete, Actions, Archive/
Unarchive Duplicate, and Export, for the given user.

You can disable developer mode for any user.

This module also inhibits the ability to install, uninstall, or update any module.

You can restrict any user's access permissions to model-specific parts (Send Message, Log Notes, Activities).

You can turn off the import-export feature for any user.

Restrict user access permissions to prevent specified users from seeing any module's navigation menus and submenus.

It will also be restricted from using Script/XMLRPC.

It enables you to individually hide the chatter.
Need Any Help ?
Request demo
COPY LINK : https://www.terabits.xyz/r/kyH
COPY LINK : https://www.terabits.xyz/r/SNS
Support | Contact
COPY LINK : info@terabits.xyz

!! Beware of duplicate modules and fake sellers.

Model Access Rights
Manage the userwise access rights like
of any models for the specified user.
Field Access Rights
Manage the userwise access rights of any model's field. You can make any field
for the specified user.

When, you set field as invisible in the Field Access tab. That will be hidden from the form view, list view, filter, kanban, group by, pivot view and export.

Domain (Conditional) Access Rights
Manage models access rights by applying Restriction conditionally.You can restrict
access rights for the records conditionally based on the value of any field.

After giving only READONLY access in any model, The user will not be able to CREATE, EDIT, DELETE records in that model.

You can apply a customized filter to show only the particular records to the particular user based on their id or certain field values.

You can apply a customized date filter like 'Today', 'this week', 'last month', etc… to show only the particular records to the particular user based on the selected time period.
Button/Tab Access Rights
Manage the access rights to
Hide any Buttons/ Actions/ Links/ Tabs
from views of any
model from specified users.
Hide Menu/Submenu Access Right
Manage the userwise access rights to Hide any module's navigation menus and
submenus from the specified users.
Hide Filters And Groups
You can make any user readonly in the system. You can hide chatter for any user.
You can disable developer mode for any user.
Make Readonly User | Hide Chatter | Disable Developer Mode
You can make any user readonly in the system. You can hide chatter for any user.
You can disable developer mode for any user.
Model-Wise Chatter Access Rights
You can manage modelwise chatter's parts(Send Message,Log Notes,Activities)
access right for any users.

You can hide chatter of chatter from any model.

You can hide send message button of chatter from any model.

You can hide log notes of chatter from any models.

You can hide activity of chatter from any model.
Global Access Rights For Chatter

- You can hide all these chatter items from every model by enabling relative checkboxes.
- The "Import" and "Export" buttons on each model will become invisible when you enable the associated checkboxes.
- You can restrict specific users from accessing the database by the "Disable login" button.
Hide Chatter
Hide Send Message
Hide Log Notes
Hide Activity
Hide Import
Hide Export
Disable Login

After installing this module, You need to enable user group named 'Access management' for users,
who you want to allow to run this app.

First go to > Settings > Users > than check Access Management checkbox.

Now you have the access of access studio (access management app). You can see the app access
studio in your odoo apps window.

Users :
Select the users to which you want to apply the access rules.
Read-Only :
This checkbox is for setting ready-only access to any users. To make users ready-only in the environment you have to change access from settings. But here only one click will make any user read-only in the environment.
Hide Chatter :
This checkbox is for hiding chatter for any users. after checking this field, selected users will not be able to
watch the chatter window in every model's views.
Disable Developer Mode :
This checkbox is for disable developer mode for specified users.
Companies :
This rule is also applicable in multi companies, So here you
can set companies in which you have to apply this rule.
Created by, Created On, Last Updated by, Last Updated on :
This fields show the detail of create date of this rule, Created on which date?, Last updated
by and Last updated datetime.
Tabs (Menu Access, Model Access, Field Access, Domain Access, Button/Tab Access) :
All tabs are have their own features for access rights, You can define realted access rights in every tab/page.
Create Access Domain Form :
In this form we have placed the fields for domain access rules like restrict CREATE, UPDATE, DELETE,
and make READ ONLY access for specified model. And apply filter is for customize our own domain.
Detailed explanation available in next USERGUIDE page.
Request Demo Now!
Module Setup
- The main advantage of these features is that when the admin user wants to do changes to access rights of other child users. but for that, they should need the technical knowledge to do these changes. So, here it has been simplified. Any normal user who doesn't have any technical knowledge is just needed to understand this module's feature and then just need to make one rule and its configuration. No coding/XML changes will be required.
Menu/Submenu Access Right Setup
- You can customize menu access for any user.
- You can hide any Menu for any app/model.
- You can hide any Sub-Menu for any app/model.
- You just have to select menu for any app, then it will hide that menu/submenu for particular user.
Model/View Access Right Setup
- You can customize specified models access for any user.
- You can restrict models'/apps' all Actions, Report print, Archive action, etc.
- You can hide any views(TREE, FORM, KANBAN etc) of any model.
- You can hide CREATE, EDIT, DELETE buttons from any models view.
- You can hide ARCHIVE/UNARCHIVE buttons from any models.
- You can restrict Export & Import record from in any model.
- You just select a model and then check its features/view to restrict.
Field's Access Right Setup
- You can customize specified model/app's field access for any user.
- You can make the field read-only.
- You can make the field invisible.
- You can hide External links of any relational field where user can create or search records of related models.
- You just select the model and its field than check the access which you want to restrict.
Domain Access Right Setup
- Set read, write, update, delete access for selected users of model.
- Set domain filter to show only filtered records to the user.
- Set read, write, delete access using Environment User(EU means logged in user.) or other users.
- You can create model wise multiple lines access rights. it will affect all selected users.
- Set Model access using filters and use of Environment User(logged-in user).
Buttons/Tabs access right setup
- You can make invisible object buttons, actions, smart buttons, from model. Also, number of tabs can be hidden of form view.
- You can hide any smart button of any model by just on setting.
- You can hide any Links in kanban view of any models.
- You can hide number of tabs in form view from selected user.
Readonly User Setup
- You can make users readonly.
- Readonly users can not modify anything in the system.
- Readonly users cant create any data, modify any settings, install/uninstall any app or delete any records in the system.
- With just one checkbox any user will set to readonly.
You are right. Odoo provides it's own access management feature. But it's complex and not straight forward. It requires lots of configuration (at different places) to hide any field or button for any user. Our app simplifies access rights management for various elements without requiring technical expertise that too from one place.
Yes, you can restrict or hide almost 99% of elements of odoo conditionally with our app. You can provide domain to add better conditions for some users. I.e. if you want to hide some records for some users like one salesperson should be able to see his own leads or his own sales orders only. Or an Accountant user should be able to see transactions of this month only.
Yes, just click on "Live Preview" button from the top of this page, it will redirect you to a form, submit the details, and you will be redirected to a demo instantly. If you are not able to find it here is the url: https://www.terabits.xyz/request_demo?source=index&version=17&app=simplify_access_management
Sure, we have created a complete guide for all the features and tutorials for you. Check it out here: https://www.terabits.xyz/simplify_access_management Additionally if you still require any help or suggestions with any feature or functionality you can always drop an email at us: info@terabits.xyz
Sure, drop us an email at info@terabits.xyz
Indeed, our app ensures data security and regulatory compliance. We do not collect any data from your system.
If you think you require additional features that are not present in the app, you can customize the module your own. We can also help you with that if you need. Drop an email us at info@terabits.xyz with your requirements.
Yes, after purchasing the app, you are eligible for lifetime updates. You just need to check this app page for change-log, and the updated module can be download from the same link you downloaded the app first time. If you want us to send the change-log and update notifications to you, ask us at info@terabits.xyz
In case of if any bug/issue raised in the listed features of this app, we are committed to providing 90 days of support free of cost. You will need to provide us the issue details and screenshots on the mail (info@terabits.xyz) and we will get it fixed.
Just drop us an email at info@terabits.xyz with your questions and doubts, we will reach out to you as soon as possible.
v16. - MAR 11, 2025
Multi-Company related fixes.
v16. - JAN 17, 2025
Restrict access rights according to the company.
v16. - DEC 25, 2024
Chatter related multi companies fixes.
v16. - DEC 18, 2024
Major security update.
v16. - SEP 26, 2024
Minor bug fixed.
v16. - SEP 26, 2024
Fixes hide external link issue
v16. - SEP 19, 2024
Security related update
v16. - AUG 8, 2024
Security related update
v16. - JULY 19, 2024
Fixed export button hide issue.
v16. - JULY 19, 2024
The date filter has been updated.
v16. - JULY 17, 2024
The split error has been successfully resolved.
v16. - JUNE 17, 2024
Improvise domain functionality in the multi-company
v16. - MAY 23, 2024
Solved "My profile" menu tab access bug
v16. - MARCH 27, 2024
Some minor bug fixes and added help.
v16. - FEB 12, 2024
Added features like hiding 'custom filter fields', 'pivot selection fields', 'custom groupby fields' and 'export field'.
v16. - OCT 16, 2023
If you are using Simplify Access Management app currently and if you want to upgrade the latest version; you have to follow below instruction to use the new version.
- Delete the old Simplify Access Management from custom_addons (Path) and add the new one.
- Restart the odoo app service, When you do(restart); you have to click on upgrade instantly (Do not wait for long time; if your page will unresponsive, you will face errors) so you have to keep open the apps page in your instance.
- Contact us at info@terabits.xyz when you need any assistance OR if need any support.
v16. - JAN 4, 2023
Minor bug fix
v16. - NOV 23, 2022
Initial release for v16

Request Demo Now!
Related Apps

All-in-one Access Management
We offer these four modules as part of our All-in-one Access Management package, along with free installation and setting up the access rights to fit your requirements as done-for-you service.

AnalytiX Dashboard
"Unlock the true potential of your data with AnalytiX Dashboard, a cutting-edge Odoo dashboard module designed to revolutionizethe way you visualize & analyze information."
Need a help for this module?
Contact me info@terabits.xyz for your queries

Last Updated : 11 JAN 2025 (v18.

All In One Access Management app for setting the correct access rights (Hide/Unhide/Read-only)
on fields, models, menus, records, filters, groups, buttons/tabs, views, actions, reports, chatter for
any module, any user, any company. This app lets you control what users can see and do, all from
one place, with just a few clicks. No need for technical skills or complex setups.

Save 80%
customization time
Multi user &
company support
No technical
knowledge required
lingual support

Hide menu/Sub-menu
Model access rights
Fields access rights
Domain access rights
Button / tab access
Hide filters and groups
Chatter access rights
Hide global access rights
Read-Only User
Disable developer mode
Hide Import / Export
Disable login
Company Wise Restrictions
Hide Duplicate / Archive
Restrict reports & actions
Hide Views
Make any field required
Hide Chatter activities/notes
Restrict external links
Restrict Kanban fields

Restrict exporting fields

Reviews from our customers
Benefits of odoo access management

Restrict user-specific access privileges for any models, including Create, Edit, Delete, Actions, Archive/
Unarchive Duplicate, and Export, for the given user.

You can disable developer mode for any user.

This module also inhibits the ability to install, uninstall, or update any module.

You can restrict any user's access permissions to model-specific parts (Send Message, Log Notes, Activities).

You can turn off the import-export feature for any user.

Restrict user access permissions to prevent specified users from seeing any module's navigation menus and submenus.

It will also be restricted from using Script/XMLRPC.

It enables you to individually hide the chatter.
Need Any Help ?
Request demo
COPY LINK : https://www.terabits.xyz/r/kyH
COPY LINK : https://www.terabits.xyz/r/SNS
Support | Contact
COPY LINK : info@terabits.xyz

!! Beware of duplicate modules and fake sellers.

Model Access Rights
Manage the userwise access rights like
of any models for the specified user.
Field Access Rights
Manage the userwise access rights of any model's field. You can make any field
for the specified user.

When, you set field as invisible in the Field Access tab. That will be hidden from the form view, list view, filter, kanban, group by, pivot view and export.

Domain (Conditional) Access Rights
Manage models access rights by applying Restriction conditionally.You can restrict
access rights for the records conditionally based on the value of any field.

After giving only READONLY access in any model, The user will not be able to CREATE, EDIT, DELETE records in that model.

You can apply a customized filter to show only the particular records to the particular user based on their id or certain field values.

You can apply a customized date filter like 'Today', 'this week', 'last month', etc… to show only the particular records to the particular user based on the selected time period.
Button/Tab Access Rights
Manage the access rights to
Hide any Buttons/ Actions/ Links/ Tabs
from views of any
model from specified users.
Hide Menu/Submenu Access Right
Manage the userwise access rights to Hide the any module's navigation menus and
submenus from the specified users.
Hide Filters And Groups
You can make any user readonly in the system. You can hide chatter for any user.
You can disable developer mode for any user.
Make Readonly User | Hide Chatter | Disable Developer Mode
You can make any user readonly in the system. You can hide chatter for any user.
You can disable developer mode for any user.
Model-Wise Chatter Access Rights
You can manage modelwise chatter's parts(Send Message,Log Notes,Activities)
access right for any users.

You can hide chatter of chatter from any model.

You can hide send message button of chatter from any model.

You can hide log notes of chatter from any models.

You can hide activity of chatter from any model.
Global Access Rights For Chatter

- You can hide all these chatter items from every model by enabling relative checkboxes.
- The "Import" and "Export" buttons on each model will become invisible when you enable the associated checkboxes.
- You can restrict specific users from accessing the database by the "Disable login" button.
Hide Chatter
Hide Send Message
Hide Log Notes
Hide Activity
Hide Import
Hide Export
Disable Login

After installing this module, You need to enable user group named 'Access management' for users,
who you want to allow to run this app.

First go to > Settings > Users > than check Access Management checkbox.

Now you have the access of access studio (access management app). You can see the app access
studio in your odoo apps window.

Users :
Select the users to which you want to apply the access rules.
Read-Only :
This checkbox is for setting ready-only access to any users. To make users ready-only in the environment you have to change access from settings. But here only one click will make any user read-only in the environment.
Hide Chatter :
This checkbox is for hiding chatter for any users. after checking this field, selected users will not be able to
watch the chatter window in every model's views.
Disable Developer Mode :
This checkbox is for disable developer mode for specified users.
Companies :
This rule is also applicable in multi companies, So here you
can set companies in which you have to apply this rule.
Created by, Created On, Last Updated by, Last Updated on :
This fields show the detail of create date of this rule, Created on which date?, Last updated
by and Last updated datetime.
Tabs (Menu Access, Model Access, Field Access, Domain Access, Button/Tab Access) :
All tabs are have their own features for access rights, You can define realted access rights in every tab/page.
Create Access Domain Form :
In this form we have placed the fields for domain access rules like restrict CREATE, UPDATE, DELETE,
and make READ ONLY access for specified model. And apply filter is for customize our own domain.
Detailed explanation available in next USERGUIDE page.
Request Demo Now!
Module Setup
- The main advantage of these features is that when the admin user wants to do changes to access rights of other child users. but for that, they should need the technical knowledge to do these changes. So, here it has been simplified. Any normal user who doesn't have any technical knowledge is just needed to understand this module's feature and then just need to make one rule and its configuration. No coding/XML changes will be required.
Menu/Submenu Access Right Setup
- You can customize menu access for any user.
- You can hide any Menu for any app/model.
- You can hide any Sub-Menu for any app/model.
- You just have to select menu for any app, then it will hide that menu/submenu for particular user.
Model/View Access Right Setup
- You can customize specified models access for any user.
- You can restrict models'/apps' all Actions, Report print, Archive action, etc.
- You can hide any views(TREE, FORM, KANBAN etc) of any model.
- You can hide CREATE, EDIT, DELETE buttons from any models view.
- You can hide ARCHIVE/UNARCHIVE buttons from the any models.
- You can restrict Export & Import record from in any model.
- You just select a model and then check its features/view to restrict.
Field's Access Right Setup
- You can customize specified model/app's field access for any user.
- You can make the field read-only.
- You can make the field invisible.
- You can hide External links of any relational field where user can create or search records of related models.
- You just select the model and its field than check the access which you want to restrict.
Domain Access Right Setup
- Set read, write, update, delete access for selected users of model.
- Set domain filter to show only filtered records to the user.
- Set read, write, delete access using Environment User(EU means logged in user.) or other users.
- You can create model wise multiple lines access rights. it will affect all selected users.
- Set Model access using filters and use of Environment User(logged in user).
Buttons/Tabs access right setup
- You can make invisible object buttons, actions, smart buttons, from model. Also, number of tabs can be hidden of form view.
- You can hide any smart button of any model by just on setting.
- You can hide any Links in kanban view of any models.
- You can hide number of tabs in form view from selected user.
Readonly User Setup
- You can make users readonly.
- Readonly users can not modify anything in the system.
- Readonly users cant create any data, modify any settings, install/uninstall any app or delete any records in the system.
- With just one checkbox any user will set to readonly.
You are right. Odoo provides it's own access management feature. But it's complex and not straight forward. It requires lots of configuration (at different places) to hide any field or button for any user. Our app simplifies access rights management for various elements without requiring technical expertise that too from one place.
Yes, you can restrict or hide almost 99% of elements of odoo conditionally with our app. You can provide domain to add better conditions for some users. I.e. if you want to hide some records for some users like one salesperson should be able to see his own leads or his own sales orders only. Or an Accountant user should be able to see transactions of this month only.
Yes, just click on "Live Preview" button from the top of this page, it will redirect you to a form, submit the details, and you will be redirected to a demo instantly. If you are not able to find it here is the url: https://www.terabits.xyz/request_demo?source=index&version=17&app=simplify_access_management
Sure, we have created a complete guide for all the features and tutorials for you. Check it out here: https://www.terabits.xyz/simplify_access_management Additionally if you still require any help or suggestions with any feature or functionality you can always drop an email at us: info@terabits.xyz
Sure, drop us an email at info@terabits.xyz
Indeed, our app ensures data security and regulatory compliance. We do not collect any data from your system.
If you think you require additional features that are not present in the app, you can customize the module your own. We can also help you with that if you need. Drop an email us at info@terabits.xyz with your requirements.
Yes, after purchasing the app, you are eligible for lifetime updates. You just need to check this app page for change-log, and the updated module can be download from the same link you downloaded the app first time. If you want us to send the change-log and update notifications to you, ask us at info@terabits.xyz
In case of if any bug/issue raised in the listed features of this app, we are committed to providing 90 days of support free of cost. You will need to provide us the issue details and screenshots on the mail (info@terabits.xyz) and we will get it fixed.
Just drop us an email at info@terabits.xyz with your questions and doubts, we will reach out to you as soon as possible.
v15. - Jan 10, 2025
Fixes related domain on contacts.
v15. - DEC 18, 2024
Major security update.
v15. - DEC 17, 2024
We have updated access permission for multi companies, field access, global access.
v15. - AUG 29, 2024
Minor bug fixes
v15. - AUG 8, 2024
Security related update
v15. - JUN 20, 2024
Improvise domain functionality in the multi-company
v15. - MARCH 27, 2024
Some minor bug fixes and added help.
v15. - FEB 12, 2024
Added features like hiding 'custom filter fields', 'pivot selection fields', 'custom groupby fields' and 'export field'.
v15. - OCT 16, 2023
If you are using Simplify Access Management app currently and if you want to upgrade the latest version; you have to follow below instruction to use the new version.
- Delete the old Simplify Access Management from custom_addons (Path) and add the new one.
- Restart the odoo app service, When you do(restart); you have to click on upgrade instantly (Do not wait for long time; if your page will unresponsive, you will face errors) so you have to keep open the apps page in your instance.
- Contact us at info@terabits.xyz when you need any assistance OR if need any support.
v15. - JAN 4, 2023
Minor bug fix
v15. - NOV 23, 2022
Initial release for v15

Request Demo Now!
Related Apps

All-in-one Access Management
We offer these four modules as part of our All-in-one Access Management package, along with free installation and setting up the access rights to fit your requirements as done-for-you service.

AnalytiX Dashboard
"Unlock the true potential of your data with AnalytiX Dashboard, a cutting-edge Odoo dashboard module designed to revolutionizethe way you visualize & analyze information."
Need a help for this module?
Contact me info@terabits.xyz for your queries

Last Updated : 11 JAN 2025 (v18.

All In One Access Management app for setting the correct access rights (Hide/Unhide/Read-only)
on fields, models, menus, records, filters, groups, buttons/tabs, views, actions, reports, chatter for
any module, any user, any company. This app lets you control what users can see and do, all from
one place, with just a few clicks. No need for technical skills or complex setups.

Save 80%
customization time
Multi user &
company support
No technical
knowledge required
lingual support

Hide menu/Sub-menu
Model access rights
Fields access rights
Domain access rights
Button / tab access
Hide filters and groups
Chatter access rights
Hide global access rights
Read-Only User
Disable developer mode
Hide Import / Export
Disable login
Company Wise Restrictions
Hide Duplicate / Archive
Restrict reports & actions
Hide Views
Make any field required
Hide Chatter activities/notes
Restrict external links
Restrict Kanban fields

Restrict exporting fields

Reviews from our customers
Benefits of odoo access management

Restrict user-specific access privileges for any models, including Create, Edit, Delete, Actions, Archive/
Unarchive Duplicate, and Export, for the given user.

You can disable developer mode for any user.

This module also inhibits the ability to install, uninstall, or update any module.

You can restrict any user's access permissions to model-specific parts (Send Message, Log Notes, Activities).

You can turn off the import-export feature for any user.

Restrict user access permissions to prevent specified users from seeing any module's navigation menus and submenus.

It will also be restricted from using Script/XMLRPC.

It enables you to individually hide the chatter.
Need Any Help ?
Request demo
COPY LINK : https://www.terabits.xyz/r/kyH
COPY LINK : https://www.terabits.xyz/r/SNS
Support | Contact
COPY LINK : info@terabits.xyz

!! Beware of duplicate modules and fake sellers.

Model Access Rights
Manage the userwise access rights like
of any models for the specified user.
Field Access Rights
Manage the userwise access rights of any model's field. You can make any field
for the specified user.

When, you set field as invisible in the Field Access tab. That will be hidden from the form view, list view, filter, kanban, group by, pivot view and export.

Domain (Conditional) Access Rights
Manage models access rights by applying Restriction conditionally.You can restrict
access rights for the records conditionally based on the value of any field.

After giving only READONLY access in any model, The user will not be able to CREATE, EDIT, DELETE records in that model.

You can apply a customized filter to show only the particular records to the particular user based on their id or certain field values.

You can apply a customized date filter like 'Today', 'this week', 'last month', etc… to show only the particular records to the particular user based on the selected time period.
Button/Tab Access Rights
Manage the access rights to
Hide any Buttons/ Actions/ Links/ Tabs
from views of any
model from specified users.
Hide Menu/Submenu Access Right
Manage the userwise access rights to Hide any module's navigation menus and
submenus from the specified users.
Hide Filters And Groups
You can make any user readonly in the system. You can hide chatter for any user.
You can disable developer mode for any user.
Make Readonly User | Hide Chatter | Disable Developer Mode
You can make any user readonly in the system. You can hide chatter for any user.
You can disable developer mode for any user.
Model-Wise Chatter Access Rights
You can manage modelwise chatter's parts(Send Message,Log Notes,Activities)
access right for any users.

You can hide chatter of chatter from any model.

You can hide send message button of chatter from any model.
You can hide log notes of chatter from any models.

You can hide activity of chatter from any model.
Global Access Rights For Chatter

You can "Hide Add Property" button from every model by enabling relative checkboxes.

You can "Hide Chatter" button from every model by enabling relative checkboxes.

You can "Hide Send Message" button from every model by enabling relative checkboxes.

You can "Hide Log Notes" button from every model by enabling relative checkboxes.

You can "Hide Schedule Activity" button from every model by enabling relative checkboxes.

The "Import" buttons on each model will become invisible when you enable the associated checkboxes.

The "Export" buttons on each model will become invisible when you enable the associated checkboxes.

You can restrict specific users from accessing the database by the "Disable login" button.

You can "Hide Spreadsheet" button from every model by enabling relative checkboxes.

After installing this module, You need to enable user group named 'Access management' for users,
who you want to allow to run this app.

First go to > Settings > Users > than check Access Management checkbox.

Now you have the access of access studio (access management app). You can see the app access
studio in your odoo apps window.

Users :
Select the users to which you want to apply the access rules.
Read-Only :
This checkbox is for setting ready-only access to any users. To make users ready-only in the environment you have to change access from settings. But here only one click will make any user read-only in the environment.
Hide Chatter :
This checkbox is for hiding chatter for any users. after checking this field, selected users will not be able to
watch the chatter window in every model's views.
Disable Developer Mode :
This checkbox is for disable developer mode for specified users.
Companies :
This rule is also applicable in multi companies, So here you
can set companies in which you have to apply this rule.
Created by, Created On, Last Updated by, Last Updated on :
This fields show the detail of create date of this rule, Created on which date?, Last updated
by and Last updated datetime.
Tabs (Menu Access, Model Access, Field Access, Domain Access, Button/Tab Access) :
All tabs are have their own features for access rights, You can define realted access rights in every tab/page.
Create Access Domain Form :
In this form we have placed the fields for domain access rules like restrict CREATE, UPDATE, DELETE,
and make READ ONLY access for specified model. And apply filter is for customize our own domain.
Detailed explanation available in next USERGUIDE page.
Request Demo Now!
Module Setup
- The main advantage of these features is that when the admin user wants to do changes to access rights of other child users. but for that, they should need the technical knowledge to do these changes. So, here it has been simplified. Any normal user who doesn't have any technical knowledge is just needed to understand this module's feature and then just need to make one rule and its configuration. No coding/XML changes will be required.
Menu/Submenu Access Right Setup
- You can customize menu access for any user.
- You can hide any Menu for any app/model.
- You can hide any Sub-Menu for any app/model.
- You just have to select menu for any app, then it will hide that menu/submenu for particular user.
Model/View Access Right Setup
- You can customize specified models access for any user.
- You can restrict models'/apps' all Actions, Report print, Archive action, etc.
- You can hide any views(TREE, FORM, KANBAN etc) of any model.
- You can hide CREATE, EDIT, DELETE buttons from any models view.
- You can hide ARCHIVE/UNARCHIVE buttons from any models.
- You can restrict Export & Import record from in any model.
- You just select a model and then check its features/view to restrict.
Field's Access Right Setup
- You can customize specified model/app's field access for any user.
- You can make the field read-only.
- You can make the field invisible.
- You can hide External links of any relational field where user can create or search records of related models.
- You just select the model and its field than check the access which you want to restrict.
Domain Access Right Setup
- Set read, write, update, delete access for selected users of model.
- Set domain filter to show only filtered records to the user.
- Set read, write, delete access using Environment User(EU means logged in user.) or other users.
- You can create model wise multiple lines access rights. it will affect all selected users.
- Set Model access using filters and use of Environment User(logged-in user).
Buttons/Tabs access right setup
- You can make invisible object buttons, actions, smart buttons, from model. Also, number of tabs can be hidden of form view.
- You can hide any smart button of any model by just on setting.
- You can hide any Links in kanban view of any models.
- You can hide number of tabs in form view from selected user.
Readonly User Setup
- You can make users readonly.
- Readonly users can not modify anything in the system.
- Readonly users cant create any data, modify any settings, install/uninstall any app or delete any records in the system.
- With just one checkbox any user will set to readonly.
You are right. Odoo provides it's own access management feature. But it's complex and not straight forward. It requires lots of configuration (at different places) to hide any field or button for any user. Our app simplifies access rights management for various elements without requiring technical expertise that too from one place.
Yes, you can restrict or hide almost 99% of elements of odoo conditionally with our app. You can provide domain to add better conditions for some users. I.e. if you want to hide some records for some users like one salesperson should be able to see his own leads or his own sales orders only. Or an Accountant user should be able to see transactions of this month only.
Yes, just click on "Live Preview" button from the top of this page, it will redirect you to a form, submit the details, and you will be redirected to a demo instantly. If you are not able to find it here is the url: https://www.terabits.xyz/request_demo?source=index&version=17&app=simplify_access_management
Sure, we have created a complete guide for all the features and tutorials for you. Check it out here: https://www.terabits.xyz/simplify_access_management Additionally if you still require any help or suggestions with any feature or functionality you can always drop an email at us: info@terabits.xyz
Sure, drop us an email at info@terabits.xyz
Indeed, our app ensures data security and regulatory compliance. We do not collect any data from your system.
If you think you require additional features that are not present in the app, you can customize the module your own. We can also help you with that if you need. Drop an email us at info@terabits.xyz with your requirements.
Yes, after purchasing the app, you are eligible for lifetime updates. You just need to check this app page for change-log, and the updated module can be downloaded from the same link you downloaded the app first time. If you want us to send the change-log and update notifications to you, ask us at info@terabits.xyz
In case of if any bug/issue raised in the listed features of this app, we are committed to providing 90 days of support free of cost. You will need to provide us the issue details and screenshots on the mail (info@terabits.xyz) and we will get it fixed.
Just drop us an email at info@terabits.xyz with your questions and doubts, we will reach out to you as soon as possible.
v18. JAN 11, 2025
- Fixed module installation (Model not found).
v18. DEC 18, 2024
- Major security update.
v18. NOV 28, 2024
- We have updated access permission for multi companies, field access, global access.
v18. NOV 4, 2024
- Multi-Company related fixes.
v18. NOV 4, 2024
- Multi-Company related fixes.
v18. OCT 19, 2024
- Minor fixes.
v18. OCT 5, 2024
- Initial release for v18

Request Demo Now!
Related Apps

All-in-one Access Management
We offer these four modules as part of our All-in-one Access Management package, along with free installation and setting up the access rights to fit your requirements as done-for-you service.

AnalytiX Dashboard
"Unlock the true potential of your data with AnalytiX Dashboard, a cutting-edge Odoo dashboard module designed to revolutionize the way you visualize & analyze information."